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KCC Students

Grades 6–12

Meets Sundays from 6–7:30 PM

Leader: Wes Curtis

Meeting Address:

King City Church
133 Trade St, Lexington

For questions or more information, see Wes after service, or email us at


The mission of King City Students is to make disciples of students who are empowered and equipped to go multiply God’s Kingdom.

We as King City Students accomplish our mission in 3 main ways:


Every Sunday night from 6-7:30 we meet at the church for a night of fun and intentionality. We come together and hang out, play games, and simply spend time together. We also meet to have an intentional time of worship and growing in God’s word together.


A focus we have as King City Students is teaching and showing our students what it means to live in community with other followers of Jesus. This happens in our normal Sunday night gatherings, but will also be done as we have intentional events and student events focused on growing together.


Our desire as King City Students is to help people understand and be equipped to go live on mission for Jesus. The way we do this is by challenging students biblically on Sunday nights, but also by giving them chances to go live on mission by doing different mission projects throughout the year. 

What we're reading now


What we're reading now *

Go from biblically challenged to spiritually confident in fifteen minutes a day! This adaptation of the bestselling Core 52 helps teens master the 52 most important verses in the Bible.

We will provide a copy for each student.

Click on book to go to Amazon. (Not an affiliate.)

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